Denton County Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers
Call (972) 436-8750 to Speak with an Experienced Brain Injury Attorney Today
Traumatic brain injuries fall under the category of “catastrophic” due to the devastating and often long-term consequences they can have on the injured as well as surrounding family. It goes without saying that the brain is one of the most essential organs you have. It is a communication center for the entire body, sending signals and impulses to every other organ and extremity. This center controls almost every physical ability you have. It also influences psychological issues such as attention, concentration, consciousness, personality, and more. Without your brain, you would lose the ability to walk, talk, think, see, hear, remember, and much more.
Thus, when the brain is injured, it can lead to all kinds of devastating effects that may last temporarily, long-term, or for a lifetime. These injuries require immediate medical care. They can result in an inability to function normally, remain independent, or employed. Loss of income, pain and suffering, mental anguish, and more are damages that must be pursued in traumatic brain injury cases caused by negligence-based accidents. At the Haugen Law Firm, P.C. our well-equipped legal team can provide the experience, knowledge, and resources needed to fully pursue all damages related to such an injury for Texans and their families in our area.
Need legal assistance your case? Contact us at (972) 436-8750 to schedule your free consultation with a Denton County traumatic brain injury attorney.
Traumatic Brain Injury Cases
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) generally are caused by some type of violent blow to the head or body or by an object that passes through the skull into brain tissue. They are commonly sustained in traffic accidents as well as sporting events, falls, and criminal assaults. These injuries can result in mild to severe symptoms. Physical manifestations will depend on how much damage the brain has sustained. Those who suffer a mild TBI or concussion may not lose consciousness or may only lose consciousness for seconds or minutes. Those who suffer moderate or severe TBIs may fully lose consciousness for a period of time or go into an extended coma.
TBI symptoms can range from the physical to the mental, sensory, and emotional. Signs of mild to serious TBI may include:
- Headaches
- Dizziness/lightheadedness
- Confusion
- Blurry vision/dilated pupils
- Fatigue/drowsiness
- Slurred speech
- Seizures
- Nausea/vomiting
- Sensitivity to sound or light
- Other sensory problems
- Loss of coordination
- Numb extremities
- Mood swings
- Behavioral problems
- Sleep issues
- Inability to concentrate
- Memory problems
According to the National Institutes of Health, about half of those who suffer severe TBI will be required to undergo surgeries. These are surgeries needed to repair ruptured or bruised brain tissue. TBIs can cause swelling and bleeding in and around the brain.
Those who sustain the worst TBIs may wind up with various temporary or permanent disabilities, such as cognitive problems in reasoning and thinking, problems expressing themselves, dysfunction of sight, sound, touch, smell, or taste, and mental health problems like depression, panic attacks, and other ongoing personality changes. These individuals may be unable to hold jobs or may require personal assistance for daily living. In the worst cases, a person who suffers the most severe brain trauma may end up in a vegetative state.
Damages Needed in a Traumatic Brain Injury Claim or Lawsuit
While a personal injury claim or lawsuit does not have the power to reverse the physical or psychological damage done, it can help ensure that you and your family have the financial resources needed to address your health and disability issues. It is paramount in these cases that you have the representation you need to ensure that you get maximum compensation for all of your tangible as well as intangible losses. Intangible losses are those that do not come with an invoice or dollar sign, such as pain and suffering.
Damages can include all of your past and future medical expenses, which may involve surgeries, medications, physical therapy, other therapies and treatments, personal assistance care, and accommodations for any permanent disability. Damages can also include lost wages as well as future loss of earning capacity, psychological anguish, loss of enjoyment of life or diminished quality of life, and more. At the Haugen Law Firm, P.C., our determined and skilled legal team will work diligently on your behalf to help quantify and document all damages in your claim. We will fight aggressively on your behalf to negotiate or litigate the best possible result.
Contact our legal team at (972) 436-8750 to ensure you can consult with an attorney about your case as soon as possible.

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